caught up on a little housework and set off to go play mini golf which is located within the caravan park. We played the first nine holes with Zac and Ethan doing reasonably well with the help of Daddy. Gemma just enjoyed running around and on the mini golf greens. Once nine holes were done the kids were a bit worn out and the day was heating up so we took them on a quick mini train track ride which is also located within the park.
Back for the usual lunch and nap routine for three little people. After sleeps we headed back for the swimming lake - the kids love it and Gemma just wants to be able to swim like the boys and keeps walking out into deeper water.
After dinner we went back and played the remaining nine holes of mini golf....The final scores were Daddy - 59, Zac - 69, Ethan 53 and Mummy - 65....YES Ethan is our mini golf Champ!!!!
There are vast numbers of cockatoos and corellas in this area and each evening and morning they fly over and around the caravan park screeching loudly. Fortunately the morning runs do not seem to wake the kids but the nightly run remind me very much of the swarming bats at Mataranka - but fortunately the birds are no where near as smelly.
Got a wonderful phone call this afternoon - Grace Catherine Kennedy - was born at 7.01pm this evening weighing it at 8lb 10. Congratulations Kennedy Clan - can not wait to hold our new niece and cousin.
Well done Ethan!